Nutrition Consideration For Athletes
To be an elite performer, it means that the individual has reached a level of excellence in their sport. Nutrition is an extensive area which can depict how well an elite athlete can perform in their desired sport. This isn't mere hyperbole; elite performers depend on what nutrition they get due to their demanding schedule of constant training. An area in which you should take into consideration is personal energy balance for the training week, energy balance refers to the amount of energy taken in and energy used. There are various areas to nutrition; one important area to focus on is the balance of macronutrients especially fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The three should be equally considered in terms of what you should be having. GDA guidelines (2014) say the daily intake of macronutrients for an average male is 55g protein, 300g carbohydrates and 5g fats.
Referring back to GDA guidelines you would have to ensure that you are taking in more of these macronutrients to support your needs. Foods rich in carbohydrates such as bananas, sweet potato and pasta could be potential options. For protein intake foods such as turkey, chicken and salmon could also be options to support your nutritional needs. Failure to include the sufficient amount of macros in your diet could have adverse effects on performance. The inclusion of fats in your diet can be beneficial depending on type of fat. The types of fat you should avoid are trans and saturated fats. Healthier fats such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated should be considered, foods containing these fats are nuts, seeds and avocados.
Through a training week the type of food may vary from day to day, depending on how intense the session is or if it’s a game day. Game day nutrition is vitally important for a successful performance. Without the required intake could lead to a poor performance or increased rate of fatigue as you wouldn’t have the sufficient amount of energy to participate in the match. To reduce the chances of this happening correct nutrition should be consumed, carbohydrates such as pasta, potatoes and oats can prove beneficial before games; along with liquid carbohydrates. For protein intake foods such as chicken breast and turkey are good choices as they are both lean, in comparison to other meats. Fish should also be considered not only for their high content in lean protein but also omega-3 fatty acids that lowers cholesterol. Nutrition is an important area especially for an athlete, your diet should be carefully planned to ensure each day you are getting the right nutrition to support your intense training and competition lifestyle.